Monday, October 19, 2009

Isaiah Eats

Today my day will be filled with leftovers. I cooked a lot over the weekend and our refrigerator is packed full. Today my mission is to eliminate as many Glad containers as possible.

Since I will not be cooking anything worth mentioning, I thought it would be fun to share a little about the other man of the house, that being our handsome one-year old Isaiah.

Isaiah has never had a problem eating. In fact, he eats a lot and we have had to "cut him off" nearly every time he's had a meal since he was born. As he develops more personality, it is evident that he really enjoys food. This has the potential to be a problem in the future, so we are very intentional about providing him with healthy meals in moderation.

When he became old enough to eat solids, Liz and I started to investigate what kinds of food he could eat. We came to the conclusion that we would make all of his baby food, except his morning cereal, because it's a lot of fun and cheaper than buying baby food. We also thought it would be great if he was able to eat organic as much as possible. We're not overbearing about fresh and organic like other parents that we know, but we enjoy being healthy with our baby.

At 13 months old, a typical day for Isaiah would include a morning bottle between 7:30 and 8:00. He drinks whole milk. Soon after his bottle, or roughly 9:00-10:00, he eats breakfast. We have been feeding him Earth's Best Organic Whole Grain Oatmeal Cereal. We buy it at Target. Now, we mix whole milk with the cereal. Previously, we used breast milk or formula.

His lunch usually coincides with our lunch time somewhere between 11:30 and 12:30. We like to provide something with protein at lunch. Chicken, lentils or black beans are accompanied with two different vegetables. He likes peas, sweet potatoes, butternut squash and asparagus. He hasn't taken a liking to broccoli, cauliflower or green beans. We always finish the meal with apple sauce or fresh fruits like mango, bananas, etc.

Between lunch and dinner, he will snack on Cheerios. I've never seen anyone ingest as many Cheerios as Isaiah. I'm fairly certain that he will have the world's lowest cholesterol as a result. He's inspired me to eat more Cheerios, too. His dinner food is the same as his lunch food and he eats close to 5:00pm. He finishes his day with another bottle of whole milk between 7:00 and 7:30 and then he's off to bed.

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